I’ve enjoyed your article, thank you. Unfortunately I’ve also observe all the things written, and the saddest one, in my opinion, it was the importance of the process: “Scrum is often in the foreground while it should be in the background. It’s not all that important, but inexperienced people make it important because it’s what they believe they know.”

I don’t know why some people make it so important. It is important but is not the end goal to “do scrum”

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The biggest question here - once you realize the place you are at has these issues, how do you course correct when you're just a little ole product person in a giant monolith corporation? There's a good chance that, if your company is big enough, you probably have 2-5 different delivery models that exist at the same time.

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Great story Maarten and really spot-on. Maybe a subtitle as a suggestion: How Agile is hijacked by consultants that don't feel the need for solving complex (software) problems. :-)

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I’ve seen many teams in different organizations, that started well organizing their work in ways that suited their needs and interest, being pulled down again by ‘organizational gravity’. In other words; as long as the organization’s culture isn’t supportive, any changes will effectively be stifled leaving the teams frustrated. “Scrum doesn’t work for us”.

Excellent article Maarten!

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Kudos for an excellent summary of the current misery, Maarten! 🙏

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