I have deep respect for your sharing ways of getting results. You are so refreshing!

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Thank you ♥️

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I think that is one reason I relished your book. It was pragmatic and yet made for an exhilarating - and insightful - read. As someone who is extremely wary of dogma/zeal in any aspect of life ( and unfortunately one encounters that a lot in the Agile community) I appreciated the focus on delivering value. That, and not adherence to some process, is the north star.

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The fragile identity of the evangelist you write about, very much reminded me of narcissism, particularly the way an evangelist lashes out when feeling their identity is threatened. This is a good watch, explaining the dynamics more : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pRAk18e7tu8&pp=ygURY292ZXJ0IG5hcmNpc3Npc3Q%3D

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Good share! Yeah, I see the similarities indeed.

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I’m glad my Scrum Master and I usually align and actually we have and do adapt a lot of scrum ways to fit our team but I’ll still send this post his way 😅

Great one, Maarten!

Makes me curious to try to find your book digitally one day! I still haven’t done that!

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