Someone said the quiet part out loud! Indeed - fix the underlying problem, don't blame the signal...

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I agree, given that the teams work is actually more like 'developing a product'. If it's more like 'providing a service' it's a different matter, primarily because of the different nature of uncertainty attached to that. And sadly that crucial distinction got lost in the rush away from projects towards (so-called) products.

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Yes, that's kinda covered in point 3, except I talk about component teams instead of a service team, but the idea is the same. You're serving multiple teams.

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That's true, to some degree. I'd say that component teams are somewhere in between. They - even though they often have more stakeholders - still have more autonomy regarding when to do what kinds of improvements to their component than teams doing primarily service-like work have. At least they can negotiate with their stakeholders, while the reality in more service-like work is, that you either can provide the service NOW or you're considered not being fit-for-purpose. And this in turn injects a kind of uncertainty that's hard to cope with; not to mention what a "goal" for a iteration or increment should be and look like then.

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