Imagine you're walking on big rocks at the beach. Your eyes will be on the rocks, and you'll look around to see the next rock you can climb to.
Your eyes will scan for objects that may cause you to trip or holes into which you can tumble.
Every step you take affects the next steps you're able to take, so you're also looking ahead to see where you're going.
What definitely won't happen: you won't be stuck in your head trying to predict the next 100 steps you can take.
Every step you take shapes the next possible step you're able to take.
That's what software development is like, except we usually try to plan the next 100 steps we can't even see because they are blocked by rocks.
Keep your feet on the ground, your eyes on the rocks, while also peeking ahead.
The map is not the terrain.
Don't trust the plan, trust the rocks.
I really like this one, very real!
If only we could get everyone to trust in the rocks and not demand a prediction of the full path all the way to the other end of the beach........
Love the analogy! Might steal it (with attribution, of course :)