Hard Work Is Not Enough For Promotions
Does a Tree Falling Make a Sound When Nobody Is Around to Hear It?
For promotions the optics of what management believes you've achieved matters more than your actual achievements.
The sooner you realize hard work and results are not nearly enough, the better.
I wish it was different. I wish I had realized the importance of managing up sooner.
The famous philosophical conundrum of the lonely tree in the forest comes to mind:
"Does a tree falling make a sound when nobody is around to see it?"
Don't treat your chances of promotion like that lonely tree in the forest where nobody is around to see it fall.
Your best chance of being promoted is when people like you and they are aware of your achievements.
Do not underestimate the importance of being liked. I sat in rooms where high-performers didn't get promoted because they weren't liked.
This doesn't mean you have to suck-up or lose yourself. Make sure you do not burn bridges and try to maintain healthy relationships even when you completely disagree with each other.
Being a professional means you don't let your own emotions become an obstacle for acting in the best way possible to achieve your goals.
Ego is what often gets in the way.
It's not about you, it's about doing the right thing. It doesn't matter who it comes from.
In essence: do you care more about being right or the right thing happening?
100 percent Maarten It is not what I said that people will remember it is how I made them feel.