Don't Place Your Trust in a Unreliable Narrator
Do You Want To Be Stuck in the Mud or Stuck in the Clouds?
If you can perfectly plan and predict, there is no need to adapt.
If you must adapt, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan and predict.
Frequent adaptation means you must watch out how much you rely on planning and prediction, as you're likely to place your trust in an unreliable narrator.
Don't trust the narration, place trust in what is unfolding before your own eyes.
Too much planning and prediction can create a blinding fog that makes it difficult to see and understand what's happening.
Humble plans keep your feet on the ground. Overconfident plans detach your feet from reality and make you levitate.
But boy, do the clouds look beautiful and glorious! 🌤️.
Staring at the clouds is much nicer than being stuck with your feet in the mud, but it's the ugly mud that we unfortunately must deal with to get where we want to be.
Nice thoughts 🥳
I understand the continous planning part as an implementation of the agile principle "Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential." 🙃
And to clear the fog far enough ahead to make the next...maybe the next two steps to reach the lighthouse shining bright in the distance far away.